While at is said that technology can bring positive changes to businesses, there are still a number of industries who are not keen on embracing these changes. According to Samira Shaloh, co-founder of Brain Quest UAE, digital transformation is seen as a big threat to their business. This due to the inherent risks of disruptive technologies that might cause the downfall of their businesses.
But Shaloh is still positive of what technology can do for the business landscape, adding, “Innovation is no more a luxury; it is vital to the survival of a company. Today, we know that 50 per cent of Fortune 500 companies from 2,000 have vanished. To understand this, we need to look at some of the board challenges that stem from digital transformation.”
If you are having second thoughts about what technology can do for your trade, be sure to look at these advantages:
– Give your company an edge
One of the main factors why business owners need to join the digital bandwagon is it can do more wonders for their business. With other enterprises taking advantage of what technology can offer, those who do not will get left behind. A new and effective system can help improve your brand image and help you outpace your competitors.
– Automate your system
Running a business on a traditional platform can lead to inefficiency and poor service delivery. Incorporating technology to your operation and business model will help streamline your systems and processes and improve your turnaround time and boost your customer satisfaction. Shifting to digital would improve your business prospects immensely.
– Promote easier flow of communication
Communication is important for any business. When instructions and directions are delivered without obstruction, it can lead to quick and enhance service delivery. This includes faster delivery of message, internally and externally.
– Attract potential investors
Potential customers are not the only ones attracted to a tech-savvy business. Potential investors are always on the look for businesses that can partner with. An upgraded system will impress potential investors and increase the chance of getting funding for expansion.